Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lock and Reload!

This morning I'm going to a men's prayer breakfast at my church. Haven't been to one in quite some time so I'm really looking forward to it!

We can be so overwhelmed and inundated with work and life that we often forget to recharge our batteries. So my mindset going to this event this morning is "lock and reload."

I know as a husband of a wonderful wife and father of two gorgeous children - a 12 year old daughter and newborn son - I have a great responsibility. And sometimes I do become exhausted in trying to deal with work/career issues and my family.

How tragic it would be if I gain great wealth and the lifestyle that comes with it and neglect the ones who would still love me even if I was penniless. That's why I want to be the best for my family - for they shower me with unconditional love.

As you may know, I was previously married. That relationship ended in the early 2000s. I just remember the disappointment and trauma that ensued. Anyone who has gone through a divorce will tell you - regardless of what happens, divorce is never easy, particularly when there are kids involved.

Today I have another chance at love - the chance of a lifetime. So whatever it takes to make my new family the best it can be, I'm there for it!

Do I want to get up early on a Saturday morning, after waking up early for work this entire week? Not exactly. But I'm going to recharge my batteries to refocus on the things that will make me most effective as a man - in both my professional and personal life.

What about you? How do you reload? Whether it's at church or another religious setting, or a conference, I encourage you to take time out to recharge your batteries. Even a high performance luxury car needs periodic maintenance; how much more a high performance "upbeat" dad!

So make plans to lock and reload! And may the rest of your day be the best of your day!

The Upbeat Dad


  1. "Lock and reload" Lock with LOVE, Reload in LIFE. I pray you are fired up and ready to take on the day my brother. God Bless!!

  2. Yes I am ready sir! Thanks much. I like that - lock with love and reload in life!
