Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Content Is King!

I've had a few recent conversations with fellow bloggers and other individuals about the journey we've had thus far with The Upbeat Dad as an organization. Most recently, I was contacted by a marketing agent about the clients that he represents doing some advertising on my site. The consistent question that's been asked of me has been, "How do you generate so much traffic?" My response is the basis for today's post: "Content is king."
We launched this blog officially on Monday, October 4, 2010. Earlier this week, we got hit # 14,000 and follower # 900 on Twitter. I always say that these numbers represent lives that we can touch in a meaningful way – they’re not simply for the sake of saying we have heavy traffic.
I’m very new to the world of blogging. As I told the marketer when we spoke, I’m learning about the whole process as I go along. I didn’t start out with the sophisticated marketing plans that so many have. The methods of driving traffic through search engine optimization were unknown to me. The only thing that I knew is that I had a message that I wanted to share with the world. That’s it – nothing more, nothing less.

As I have written, I’ve begun to learn about the marketing aspect to this whole project. I’m also learning about how I can make the organization a global force for change in a meaningful way. I see tangible ways that we can expand our vision into different areas to impact the lives of others. I really see how this vision can be the cause of a lifetime – one that employs resources around the world to effect positive change.
So to address the question, “How do you do it?” I respond, “Content is king.” And how do we make The Upbeat Dad into the global force that I talk and write about? Again, “content is king.” By this I mean that the matters that we raise through these daily blog posts are touching lives all over the world.
I do not take this responsibility lightly by any means. As I write each day, I close my eyes and picture the planet. I see the global economic crisis and the effect that it has on families. I see unrest in the Middle East. I see the impact of the family law system in different jurisdictions.
When I write, I really don’t see race or culture; I don’t see religion; I only see people – people that can benefit from a life changing message. This message says that kids need actively involved fathers in their lives if they are to be the best that they can be.
I don’t have a script as I write. I write from the heart. Different thoughts come to mind throughout each day. Sometimes I jot them down if I believe that they are “blog worthy.” I see programs on television. Or sometimes I speak with someone about a particular topic. And then I write based on that topic. I have a running list of topics in my Blackberry that I reference from time to time.
One thing that I can guarantee you is that whatever topic I ever write about, I will always seek to be positive. Some people are hurting very deeply and look to this blog as a source for encouragement. Almost on a daily basis, between comments posted on the blog, on Twitter or on our Facebook page, I get feedback from people about how encouraged they are by our posts.
I would never take for granted the platform that I have been given – to speak hope into people’s lives. I don’t know how many hearts this blog has touched thus far. I don’t know how many fathers have been moved to the point of making things right with their kids. I don’t know how many mothers have renewed hope in men after reading the positive twist on some matters that are inherently negative. I don’t know how many kids are now better off today than they were before their parents began reading this blog. But I do know that lives are being touched.
Even as we had our inaugural Upbeat Dad Community Forum 2 weeks ago, a gentleman called me the day before the event and told me he even contemplated suicide as means of escaping his daily reality – being estranged from his son because the mother opted to use the legal system to keep them apart. He hasn’t seen his son in 3 years and he just wanted to end it all. How could I not be compassionate when I listen to the voice of a hurting parent in that scenario?
Likewise, women have contacted me as they go through their own turmoil with uninvolved fathers. I’m so fortunate to have a huge following among females. 60% of our readers are female and to me, that’s an honor. The issues of fatherhood are universal and they cannot be effectively addressed without acknowledging the role that women play.
So as I write – and continue to write, just know that I will always endeavor to make a difference through these posts. I lived through a nightmare experience in the early 2000s when I went through a divorce (see The Story Behind The Upbeat Dad).
I want to shield as many kids as possible from the crossfire that often results when happy homes become broken homes. I want to help as many fathers and mothers as possible to do the right thing for their kids. I don’t claim to have all the answers but I do know that if I use kind words to help in difficult situations, lives can be healed and hearts mended. That’s my utmost desire.
Where we are going as an organization is limitless. I have a great vision – one that is unfolding each day. Please know that whatever we may do, the content of the message that we share will lead the way. The message is much greater than the messenger; I’m just humbled to serve in this capacity.
Thanks for tuning in; and enjoy the journey with us – we’re headed to a great destination.

Enjoy your day today and every day.
The Upbeat Dad

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