Happy New Year! I’ve said those words before but today is the first day that it really seems like it’s a new year - it’s the first regular business day and school day of 2011. It’s gonna be a good year – a very good year! I hope you believe it as I do because it will be!
I promised to preview on today’s post where we will be going in 2011 as we continue the journey that we started last fall – to help spread our positive message about fatherhood and the privilege of serving in such a role. Last Friday, I wrote the post Major Milestone and Year in Review to highlight the success of our blog thus far. We’re way over 5,000 pageviews and growing in popularity with dads, moms, kids and others throughout the world.
We have a universal message that appeals to the married, the divorced and the singles of our world. This message simply states that fatherhood is an awesome responsibility and if we can help to get more fathers excited about the roles that they perform or should perform, our children’s lives would be much better as a result. I believe that we’re definitely on the right track.
So here we are now at the dawn of a new year. Where do we go from here? Well, I’m glad you asked. Whenever a military operation commences, the initial phase is called the air campaign. In this phase, the tactical strategy is carried out by conducting air strikes. The next phase is called the ground campaign. In this phase, troops go in on the ground to accomplish what could not be sufficiently accomplished by air. On the ground is where the victory is won.
As we embarked on this journey last October, I wrote about the plans that I have to impact the world for our kids. The blog has done quite well. You could liken that to the air campaign; now comes the ground campaign. But this campaign is all about building successful families. And that’s why I’m so excited!
I’m pleased to announce our first public event – The Upbeat Dad Community Forum, coming to South Florida on Thursday, February 10, 2011. This is a real opportunity to take our mission to another level. Here are the details of the event:
I’m pleased to announce our first public event – The Upbeat Dad Community Forum, coming to South Florida on Thursday, February 10, 2011. This is a real opportunity to take our mission to another level. Here are the details of the event:
The Upbeat Dad Community Forum!
Come let your voice be heard at The Upbeat Dad Community Forum!
You'll enjoy this intriguing discussion on fatherhood!
Cooper City Church of God Fellowship Hall
9191 Stirling Road
Cooper City, FL 33328
Thursday, February 11, 2011
7 PM - 9 PM
Name: Rodrick Walters
Phone: 954-288-4788
Email: info@theupbeatdad.com
RSVP by Thursday, February 4, 2011
Dads, Moms, Married, Divorced, Singles, Everyone’s welcome!
Dads, Moms, Married, Divorced, Singles, Everyone’s welcome!
We wanna hear from you!
Free Admission!
Come on out and express yourself on this thought-provoking subject!
Among the issues that will be addressed are:
- Absentee father syndrome: Where are our fathers?
- How fair is the family law system?
- From father to visitor: Being dad after divorce
- Why every child needs a dad
- When good fathers go bad
- Why parents use children as tools in a game of Tug of War?

I believe that this event and future public events of this type are a part of the solution to the problems that we’ve identified. Meaningful exchange of information in a public setting is key as we seek to solve the many problems that I write about each day.
Let me also say that as the vision of The Upbeat Dad unfolds, I plan to have similar forums in different cities throughout the United States and around the world. I have always stated that our vision is global and this next phase is certainly part of the process of carrying out the vision. I believe in the truth of the saying, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This February 10th event is our first step on what I believe will be an exciting journey as we carry our message to the world.
If you live in South Florida or you happen to be in the area on February 10, do make the effort to come out and join us. It’s an experience that I believe will enrich your lives and make you more equipped. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, divorcee, single – we need your presence to help make this event everything that it can be.
I will share more about this event in future posts over the next several weeks. I just wanted to introduce this very exciting event today. I hope you enjoy getting back to your normal lives as we begin this new year. Now go out and make it a great day and a great year!
Rodrick Walters |
As I said earlier, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I hope that the steps you take today will yield great rewards for you this year.
Have a great one!
Have a great one!
The Upbeat Dad
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